Did you all see that game?? It was the most intense game EVER. 

So for those of you who don't know, it was Canada vs. U.S.A. in the women's hockey finals. For most of the game the U.S. was in the lead, and by 3rd period, it was 2-0 to the U.S.. Practically my whole school was watching the game and I swear, when Canada scored our second goal in last few minutes of 3rd period, we went crazy screaming and cheering, we were so happy.

At that point another teacher walked into my classroom, said, "In case you didn't know, we tied and now we're into overtime." Then he left and closed the door behind him. Two seconds later, he was back. He pushed the door open, jumped a little, grabbed his jersey, screamed "YEAH!!" and then left again. He's awesome :D

Almost the entire overtime went by without a single goal, but it was such a close game, our eyes were glued to the t.v. screen the whole time. There were so many close shots, and when in those last few seconds, Canada's Marie-Philip Poulin scored on the U.S. net, we went ballistic. My whole class was screaming and jumping and hugging each other, and we could all hear the rest of the school doing the same. The very ceiling was shaking with the jumping of the people on the floor above us. Needless to say, it was a happy, happy time :)

So proud, Team Canada :)

winter olympics 2014

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